How to make standard settings for a corporate version
This function is only available in BINGOOO corporate
In the dialogue General options, register Appearance, users of BINGOOO corporate can make their own standard settings for their corporate version. In the window Schemes you can click on the button CI to open a new window CI to make corporate settings.
How it works:
1. In the Options menu, click on the command General options to open the dialogue General options.
2. Click on the register Appearance.
3. in the register Appearance click on the button Edit schemes. The new window Schemes will be opened.
4. in the window Schemes click on the button CI laying at the bottom of the window. The new window CI will be opened.
5. Here you can make your standard settings (Logo, URL, Hint, splash or programme language.
Verify your settings and close the window.
You can find further information under:
How to change the appearance ot the BINGOOO screen